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Log Panel

Log messages are printed in the dedicated log panel. There are two ways to open the log panel:

  1. Right click on the bottom-left corner of ST and then select Output: AutoSetSyntax. Or, run AutoSetSyntax: Show Log Panel from the command palette1.
  2. (Re-)save your plugin/project settings.
  3. See whether your rules are in those dropped rules. In that case, it's likely that your rules have wrong name or args.


Each window has its own log panel. They may have different outputs due to project settings.

Debug Information

Just run AutoSetSyntax: Debug Information from the command palette1.


The debug information is designed to be Python-compatible, thus you can format it with a Python formatter like Ruff.

  1. Command palette: Ctrl+P for Windows/Linux. Cmd+P for macOS.